Acu Laser Prof Nik Omar

Acu Laser Prof Nik Omar
Kegunaan Laser LLLT Prof Nik ialah untuk meningkatkan metabolisma dan menguatkan sistem imuniti, tiada kesan sampingan, tiada dadah, tiada kimia, selamat dan boleh digunakan untuk satu keluarga - safe- effective, non-drugs, non-invasive - scientifically proven - patient friendly - maklumat lanjut sila hubungi 03 4042 2020 atau 019 9401915

Monday, July 12, 2010

Tanda-Tanda Penyakit ADHD

Tanda yang sering ditemui:

* Sering tidak hirau araha , selalu buat kerka tidak sudah atau kerja-kerja lain.
* Tidak memberi tumpuan bila bermain atau kerja
* Cepat bosan
* Gelisah
* Tidak Boleh Tidur malam - tidur siang hari
* Perangai songsang dan tidak hirau orang lain.

Rawatan Homeopathy dan akupunktur amat sesuai.

Signs and symptoms of ADHD

* Often fails to pay close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork or other activities
* Often has trouble sustaining attention during tasks or play
* Seems not to listen even when spoken to directly
* Has difficulty following through on instructions and often fails to finish schoolwork, chores or other tasks
* Often has problems organizing tasks or activities
* Avoids or dislikes tasks that require sustained mental effort, such as schoolwork or homework
* Frequently loses needed items, such as books, pencils, toys or tools
* Can be easily distracted
* Often forgetful

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